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更新时间:2024-09-28 文章作者: 信息来源: 阅读次数:


1. “牛顿在苹果树下休息,被苹果砸中,从那以后他就开始研究万有引力定律。”Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)

2. “Newton was sitting under an apple tree, taking a rest. The apple fell on him, and from then on, he started to research the law of universal gravitation.”Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)

3. “One day, Newton was playing with a ball and happened to drop it. He observed that the ball kept rolling for a long time without stopping. This inspired him to study the force that kept objects attracted to each other, which is known as gravity.”Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)

4. “One day, a friend of Newton's was pruning a tree and accidentally dropped a fruit. Newton observed the trajectory of the falling fruit and realized that it was due to gravity.”Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)



Once upon a time, there was a young scientist named Isaac Newton. One day, while he was sitting under a tree, he had a brilliant idea: why should objects fall at the same speed, regardless of their weight? He realized that there must be some force pulling all objects to the ground, and this force must be the same for all objects, regardless of their size or weight.Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)

This idea led him to discover his law of universal gravitation, which explained how all objects in the universe were attracted to each other. He realized that this force was due to the interaction of the objects' mass and their distance from each other. This discovery would change the way scientists thought about the universe forever.Jsl物理好资源网(原物理ok网)


