1. “牛顿在苹果树下休息,被苹果砸中,从那以后他就开始研究万有引力定律。”
2. “Newton was sitting under an apple tree, taking a rest. The apple fell on him and from then on, he started to research the law of universal gravitation.”
3. “One day, Newton was playing with a ball and happened to drop it when a apple tree nearby fell on him. This experience sparked his interest in studying gravity and led to his famous law of universal gravitation.”
例题:Newton's Discovery of Gravity Laws
One day, as Newton was sitting under a tree, doing some mathematical calculations, he suddenly noticed a feathered apple fall from the tree above his head. This simple occurrence sparked Newton's curiosity and he began to ponder the phenomenon of gravity.
He realized that objects of different masses had a pull on each other, and that this pull was proportional to the mass of the object. He also discovered that the direction of this pull was towards the center of the earth, which became known as the law of gravity.
From this observation, Newton developed a profound understanding of the laws of gravity, which would later serve as the foundation for his theories on motion and gravitation. This moment marked a pivotal turning point in Newton's life and the history of science.