1. 牛顿运动定律(Newton's laws of motion): F=ma
2. 动量(Momentum): 动量等于质量与速度的乘积。
3. 能量(Energy): 能量有不同形式,如机械能、热能、电场能等等。
4. 弹性势能(Elastic potential energy): 物体由于发生弹性形变而具有的能量。
5. 摩擦力(Friction): 两个互相接触的物体当它们发生相对运动时,在接触面上产生的阻力。
6. 重力(Gravity): 地球对物体的吸引力。
7. 压强(Pressure): 单位面积上所受到的压力。
8. 光学(Optics): 研究光的行为和性质的学科。
9. 电磁学(Electromagnetism): 研究磁场和电场的科学。
10. 热力学(Thermodynamics): 研究热和能量的转化的学科。
Q: What is the principle of a filter?
A: The principle of a filter is to allow certain substances to pass through a filter medium while retaining others. A filter can be used to remove impurities, particles, or other substances from a liquid or gas.
Example question and answer:
Q: What are the steps in filtering water?
A: The steps in filtering water are: 1) placing the filter medium in the water, 2) allowing the water to pass through the filter medium, 3) collecting the filtered water, and 4) cleaning or replacing the filter medium as needed.
Q: What are some common types of filters and their applications?
A: Common types of filters include: 1) paper filters for removing particles from liquids, 2) mesh filters for removing small particles and bacteria from liquids and gases, 3) glass fiber filters for removing larger impurities from liquids, and 4) membrane filters for separating substances based on their size and/or chemical properties. These filters are used in a wide range of applications, including water treatment, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and environmental cleanup.